Tuesday, October 28, 2008

one day at a time

I'm loving this weather.  I love being layered up in clothes and wrapped up in blankets. Watched a little Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown tonight.  Brings back a lot of memories...

This past few weeks have been good.  I'm feeling more comfortable at work.  Getting better using photoshop (thanks to the hubby) and basically getting more confident.  Been a little busy at work and I think it's gonna get busier.  We've got 6 events in
 the next 2 months, of course the 2 busiest months of the year because of  the holidays.  I love this kind of busy though.  I love planning and organizing and making sure everything is ready.  It might sound weird, but I miss the feeling of be
ing a little stressed.

 I think these next couple months are going to be great.  We have a lot of cool stuff that i
s happening.  We got all of our credit cards paid off this month...PTL!  But then I remember that I have to start Christmas shopping....so much for saving money...haha

OH...I have 1 year old pictures of the nephew, this kid holds my heart....

1 comment:

Jolie said...

Hey, I love ya and miss ya...Can I add you to my favs? Well, I will and if you don't want me to, I can change it...I love the Holidays!